Was ist »Abolitionismus«? mit Vanessa Eileen Thompson und Daniel Loick

Talk Social Science To Me
Talk Social Science To Me
Was ist »Abolitionismus«? mit Vanessa Eileen Thompson und Daniel Loick

Ein Podcast von Friederike Alm, Aranka Benazha, Niklas Lehrke, Vicente Pons Marti und Markus Rudolfi.

Disarm, Defund, Abolish!Dasisteine der zentralen Forderungen der Black-Lives-Matter-Bewegung, die 2013 in den USA entstand und sich gegen rassistische Polizeigewalt richtet. In den Fokus gerückt wurde dadurch auch das Konzept des Abolitionismus. Was genau das bedeutet, in welche historischen und theoretischen Zusammenhänge es eingebettet ist und welche gesellschaftlichen Kämpfe damit heute noch verknüpft sind, darüber haben Aranka und Niklas mit Dr. Vanessa Eileen Thompson und Dr. Daniel Loick gesprochen. Viel Spaß beim Hören!



Democracy and Foreign Policy – Comparative Democracy Takeover EP3

Talk Social Science To Me
Talk Social Science To Me
Democracy and Foreign Policy – Comparative Democracy Takeover EP3


In the last episode of the Comparative Democracy Takeover our guest host Hanna Pfeifer speaks with Gunther Hellmann, Professor at the Chair of Political Science and German/European Foreign Policy at Goethe University about the relation between democracy and foreign policy.

Check out the on-going DFG research project, lead by Hanna Pfeifer and Anna Geis (HSU Hamburg):

and the literature to this episode:

  • Hellmann, Gunther, Daniel Jacobi, and Ursula Stark Urrestarazu. „Früher, entschiedener und substantieller“? Die neue Debatte Über Deutschlands Außenpolitik. (Sonderheft der Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 8, no. S1). Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2015.
  • Hellmann, Gunther, Wolfgang Wagner, and Rainer Baumann. Deutsche Außenpolitik. Eine Einführung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2014.
  • Opitz, Christian, Hanna Pfeifer, and Anna Geis. “Engaging with Public Opinion at the Micro-Level. Citizen Dialogue and Participation in German Foreign Policy.” Foreign Policy Analysis 18, no. 1 (2022): 1-20. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/fpa/orab033.
  • Pfeifer, Hanna, Christian Opitz, and Anna Geis. “Deliberating Foreign Policy. Perceptions and Effects of Citizen Participation in Germany.” German Politics 30, no. 4 (2021): 485-502. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09644008.2020.1786058.

Inequality and Democracy – Comparative Democracy Takeover EP2

Talk Social Science To Me
Talk Social Science To Me
Inequality and Democracy – Comparative Democracy Takeover EP2


Are democracies more equal than autocracies? What does inequality mean? Julian Garritzmann and Marius Busemeyer talk in this episode about this questions and the complicated relationship between inequality and democracy .

Check out the literature and interesting links mentioned during the episode:

Also check this nice tool on perception of inequality by the OECD: https://www.compareyourincome.org


Conceptualising Democracy – Comparative Democracy Takeover EP 1

Talk Social Science To Me
Talk Social Science To Me
Conceptualising Democracy – Comparative Democracy Takeover EP 1


How can we measure democracy? In the first episode of the Comparative Democracy Takeover our guest host Rikki Dean deals with this question and talks to Carl Knutsen und Brigitte Geißel about the conceptualisation of democracy.

If you would like to learn more about the work of Carl Knutsen and Brigitte Geissel, then check out the links to their research below, as well as links to some of the other works referenced in the episode.

Carl Knutsen

  • Carl Knutsen’s website: https://chknutsen.com/
  • The V-DEM project website https://www.v-dem.net/
  • Coppedge, M., Gerring, J., Glynn, A., Knutsen, C. H., Lindberg, S. I., Pemstein, D., Seim, B., Skaaning, S.-E., & Teorell, J. (2020). Varieties of democracy: Measuring two centuries of political change. Cambridge University Press.
  • Coppedge, M., Gerring, J., Knutsen, C. H., Krusell, J., Medzihorsky, J., Pernes, J., Skaaning, S.-E., Stepanova, N., Teorell, J., & Tzelgov, E. (2019). The methodology of “varieties of democracy”(V-Dem). Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 143(1), 107–133. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0759106319854989
  • Knutsen, C. H., Teorell, J., Wig, T., Cornell, A., Gerring, J., Gjerløw, H., Skaaning, S.-E., Ziblatt, D., Marquardt, K. L., & Pemstein, D. (2019). Introducing the Historical Varieties of Democracy dataset: Political institutions in the long 19th century. Journal of Peace Research, 56(3), 440–451. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0022343318823866

Brigitte Geissel:

Other works referenced in the episode:

  • Warren, M. E. (2017). A Problem-Based Approach to Democratic Theory. American Political Science Review, 111(01), 39–53. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055416000605
  • Hibbing, J. R., & Theiss-Morse, E. (2002). Stealth Democracy: Americans’ Beliefs About How Government Should Work. Cambridge University Press.
  • Adcock, R., & Collier, D. (2001). Measurement Validity: A Shared Standard for Qualitative and Quantitative Research. American Political Science Review, 95(3), 529–546. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055401003100
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TSSTM – Comparative Democracy Takeover

Talk Social Science To Me
Talk Social Science To Me
TSSTM – Comparative Democracy Takeover


To mark the start of the new master’s program on Comparative Democracy at the Department for Social Scienes at Goethe University, this week we are going to publish a special series on Comparative Democracy.

The three episodes of this “Comparatve Democracy Takeover” are hosted by three faculty members. Rikki Dean, Julian Garritzmann and Hanna Pfeifer each host an episode and discuss the conceptualization of democracy (episode 1), the relation between democracy and inequality (2), and democracy and foreign policy (3) with experts.